
Monday, May 18, 2015

Soul Seasons, Part 2: Spring

Ah, springtime. I love when winter begins to withdraw, and spring slowly takes center stage. You know that part of spring where things are still colorless and muddy? That's not quite my favorite; however, the part of spring where creation has come to life, and newness is in full swing, now that is more my cup of tea. It's funny though, because even the muddy part of spring is a welcome change from the lingering frigidity of winter, isn't it? Ralph Waldo Emerson said "The Earth laughs in flowers." How right he is. There is a joy that creation bubbles out when springtime rolls around.
So how do you know when you are experiencing springtime of the soul? Well, look around the landscape of your heart. Do you see sudden growth in areas that you didn't notice before? Are you seeing victory where there once was defeat? Are you enjoying and appreciating the beauty of God in the most "muddy" of places? Then, my friend, spring has sprung in your soul. To clarify though, just as seasons can overlap in creation, so seasons of the soul can overlap as well. You might feel a sampling of many seasons, but undoubtedly, there is one that emerges to the forefront. 

The change in climate demands a change in everyday life. What do I mean? Well, for example, in spring, there are things I need to put away, clean up, and rearrange. There are things I do out of necessity, and there are things I want to do because I want some eye candy after a long winter. When you are in springtime of the soul, there are things you have to do out of necessity, and things that you can do for fun. The two concepts I'm about to share are by no means comprehensive, but just a few thoughts that come to mind when new life is all around your soul.

Put Away

"...Let us put everything out of our lives that keeps us from doing what we should..." Hebrews 12: 1b

There are all kinds of beautiful things growing inside you, my friend! Maybe you have a new dream, passion, or calling. Maybe you are noticing that you're walking in new freedom and victory in your life. If you are growing like a weed, it's time to make room for that growing. There's this sudden urge a lot of people get in the spring that is called "spring cleaning." Maybe you're not among those folks, but hear me out for a bit. Something about the confining winter makes our worlds seem smaller, doesn't it? Then the thaw comes, and suddenly, the world seems bigger as the piles of snow get smaller. It's almost as if everyone wants to maximize all that space gained from winter's demise. Not only are dust bunnies being swept away, but there are those mercilessly de-cluttering closets, garages, and basements. Goods, clothing and furniture are burgeoning on thrift store platforms. That is what we must do when we are growing. What habits have we developed in long soul winters that need to be kicked to the curb? What spiritual clutter is littering our hearts and minds? What can we ask God to illuminate that needs to go so that room can be made for growth? These are all questions pregnant with potential to change the atmosphere of our souls.


"By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures." Proverbs 24: 3-4

One of my favorite things to do in the spring is bring something beautiful into my living spaces. I purchased a few candles, gave my bedroom a little makeover with things I already owned, and made a nautical themed wreath to put on my door. Spring is a time when finding beautiful things is easy. Spiritually though, beauty goes beyond just having good taste. There's one sure fire way to bring beauty into your soul: acquiring wisdom. God is the source of all heavenly wisdom, and wisdom is found in His word. If you're looking for rare and beautiful treasures to festoon the halls of your heart, look no further than asking God for and diligently seeking wisdom. Want a new way to approach your strong willed child? Trying to find a purpose statement for 2015, and ways to live it out? Have finances you're trying to re-align? There's a verse for that. In fact, more than likely, many verses. There is wisdom waiting for you in scripture that will bring beauty to your life: but not just any kind of beauty, a rare beauty. A beauty that can't be found on Pinterest, or in the mall. A beauty that can't be sculpted and toned in the gym, or carved by a scalpel. I speak of the kind of beauty that lasts forever, and brings life, healing, and hope to a world drab with hopelessness. If you're experiencing springtime of the soul, even in the smallest degree, bring in beautiful wisdom to teach you which way to go, and which way to grow.

 "Real wisdom, God’s wisdom, begins with a holy life and is characterized by getting along with others. It is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not two-faced." James 3: 17 THAT is a beautiful thing.

Put away. Beautify. Soak in every bit of this growing season you're in. Be renewed. Come alive. Spring forward; this is what you were made for.

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