
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tidings of Comfort and Joy


Comfort. It might as well be on a poster with a reward attached to it. We are all looking for comfort. If you're anything like me, you're staring at that picture of stacked cable knit fleece blankets, and thinking, "I want to touch one!" "I wish I could wrap one around myself!" "Where can I get one?" I am venturing to guess though, that the time of year people search out comfort the most is at Christmas time. We all know several people who will have one less seat at their table this year. Maybe that person is you. Christmas is a time of joy, but if you've lost a loved one, it can also be a time where that ache throbs like never before. How can you comfort those in your neighborhood, church, place of work, school, or family who are grieving through the holidays? How can we ourselves be comforted as we go through the hard work of grief?

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort... 2 Corinthians 1:3

There are many false sources of comfort that promise we can "drown our sorrows" in them, but there is only one God who is the source of true comfort. He sees you; He gets you. In His mercy, He doesn't rush you through the process of grief, but lovingly invites you to take His hand and go at His pace. What does that look like? Pausing to have a good cry with Him. Having a hard conversation with Him. Allowing Him to minister through a close friend. Worshiping at His feet, even if all you can do is cry. The comfort you seek is found in His arms.

He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. 2 Corinthians 1:4 
This season, when our paths cross with someone who is grieving the loss of their loved one, we can give them a beautiful gift: the gift of comfort. The very same comfort that you have received from God can be "re-gifted" to a hurting heart. What does that look like? Instead of asking, "What do you need?" or saying,"Can I get you anything?" let love shape your response. Follow the Holy Spirit's prompting: write the card, make/buy the meal, offer child care. Comfort comes in many forms, and God is the source of creativity. When it comes to grief and loss, words fail. Sometimes, a hug and silence ministers more powerfully than anything. May we not let fear stop us from being conduits of comfort to those in need.

God, who saw us in our sin, was Himself grieving the loss of relationship with us. His answer: sending Jesus to bridge the gap between God and man. Jesus in turn sent the Holy Spirit to us so His presence could be with us forever. It's beautiful to think that one of the Holy Spirit's nicknames is "The Comforter". Let's follow His lead as we reach out to comfort those at Christmas.

Blessings To You,

PS- For more about comforting those who are grieving, check out


  1. God has blessed you to be a blessing to others. Thank you for sharing your heart. I am blessed.

  2. Love this Charisa. Love your heart <3

  3. God bless your beautiful blog ministry. Thank you for your words.

  4. Tidings of Comfort and Joy - really blessed reading it with the scriptures.

  5. My soul is fed!! Thank you so much for sharing this!! XO ~Bre


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