
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hands **And Giveaway!**

A riddle: what is something you use every day, all day long that is most likely under appreciated? Answer: your hands. I'm staring at mine as I furiously press the keys of my laptop, and I'm marveling at how little I think about them. All I'm focusing on is words on the screen. If I was to think about what my hands did today, the list would include:

  • wash dishes
  •  play Uno Attack with Grant (my 7 year old)
  •  pat Lucy (my Boston Terrier)
  • text
  • throw wet clothes in the drier

And to be completely honest? I didn't think of my hands ONCE while doing all that. Not once. It's like my hands are a tool that I use. All I'm focused on is the stuff I'm getting done, and not necessarily the tool I used to do it all. 

As I stare at my hands, I realize that they tell a story. My skin is a little dry, which says that I've done  a whole lot of hand washing and not so much moisturizing. There's two rings on my left ring finger- both given to me by the love of my life, Steve. My hands have changed thousands of diapers, played keys on a piano, and placed bandages on cuts and scrapes. My hands have been the launching pad for blown kisses, and flailed all around during a conversation (if you know me, I talk with my hands). But the one thing that I love most about my hands is that they have the power to touch.

My heart is tucked safely in my chest- and it is filled with lots of love. But if I follow the path of my heart to my shoulder, my upper arm, my elbow, and my lower arm, the end of that path is- yes, you guessed it- my hand. Your hand is an extension of your heart. The power of words is incredible; the power of touch is indelible. Ever have someone wipe a tear from your face with their thumb? Or place their hand on your back to show support? Or even give you a congratulatory fist bump? You can't put words to that. Talking to someone means you respect them; touching someone means you care.

Look at all the examples in God's word about the times that Jesus reached out his toughened carpenter hands and gave a tender touch to humanity. He touched the eyes of the blind and healed them. He touched the hand of Peter's mother in law and healed her fever. He touched leprosy ravaged skin and made it completely whole. He touched a coffin and brought a dead man to life. It strikes a chord with me, because Jesus could have done all these things with a word. A word would have been enough. But He chose to couple His word with His touch. Perhaps to show us how He wants us to use our hands, or perhaps He wanted to connect with those He was healing. Or further still, He was showing us that the great big God of the universe wanted to be that close to the people He set His affection on. 

Look down at your hands. They are tools in the hands of God to show love through touch. Who under your roof needs to be tangibly reminded that you love them? Which one of your friends could use a hug? Technology and social media might be giants, but the most powerful  connection to reach the world happens to be at the end of your wrists. As the old song "Take My Life And Let It Be" echoes, let God take your hands, big or small, moisturized or chapped, weathered or smooth, and allow them to move at the impulse of His love. This world needs it desperately- and you have just the tools to do it.

Believe it or not, this is my tenth blog post in Tea With a Slice of Life! To celebrate this milestone, I'm doing a giveaway of a beautiful Jamberry nail wrap called "Cup of Tea"- how fitting! 

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Isn't it cute-i-ful (cute + beautiful)? And a big thank you to my dear friend Christy Ayers of Jamberry for the sweet score! Visit her jamberry page at to see more beautiful ways you can decorate the tips of your hands ;) Are you a guy? Perfect! Sign up to win this for the lady in your life for Valentine's Day, her birthday, or just because! Are you a lady? Fantastic! This is a way to have springtime appear on your fingertips long before it appears outside ;) 

For how to enter, comment on this blog post (there's a comment spot underneath the raffle) which of the colors of this nail wrap is your favorite- white or black. For more points and a bigger chance to win, share Tea With A Slice of Life's facebook page on your wall, then head over to the Tea With A Slice of Life's facebook page and write "I shared the love" on the wall so I know you did it. Again, thank you for reading with an open heart, spending time at the table with me, and for being such an encouragement. I appreciate you more than you know. 

Many Blessings,


  1. I love this!!! I have never thought of the fact that Jesus could have done all those things with a word, but chose to use His touch. So thought provoking and comforting!! Thanks for the plug, I'm excited for someone to win those babies! Love you! <3

  2. Yay! Your 10th blog post! I love every one! You are doing an amazing job! Thank you for your encouragement & speaking from your heart! Love you my friend!
    My favorite are the black ones ;-)

  3. Thank you for writing such a wonderful post! You're doing a great job with this blog. I like the black ones! xo

  4. thanks for taking the ordinary things and bringing them to life. a new way to see the value in our God given hands.


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