
Saturday, December 20, 2014

The "ME" in "MEntor"

My heart still has wings from this past Wednesday. Although it was a weekday, it had the fun and spontaneity of a summer vacation day. I got to spend the day with a dear friend of mine.

She had some pre-Christmas errands to run, and I asked to tag along, since I had some of my own. And what would have been drudgery and rushing separately, became purposeful task accomplishing with laughter and meaningful conversation together. What could be better?

She may not realize this, but I consider her a mentor. She lives life full of love for Jesus, and walks out a purpose that is undeterred. She is always plotting and scheming- but never in a malicious way. She is ALWAYS thinking of ways she can bring a smile to someone's face. She is a Mom and a Grandmother. If I grew up to be half of who she is...well...that'd be pretty stinking amazing.

She has helped me through so much. I remember losing a friend a few years back, and she was there to encourage me to grieve, to be thankful in that painful situation, and to have hope in the future. I went through a bout of depression earlier this year, and I reached out to her. She gave me practical ideas to fight it off, and gave me the soothing presence of someone who had walked though something similar in her early years. Then there are days I just needed to hang out. She opens her home and gives me a slice of her life heaped with lots of love. There isn't a price tag for that.

It started me thinking, Titus 2 encourages older women to teach younger women "what is good". Very little of our conversation is my friend outright instructing me. Her life is a wordless instruction manual. I see her adoring her husband, standing by him, saving her best for him. I see her take phone calls from her grown children, and how she mixes love, humor, and timely advice into her words. I see her giving to her grandkids, to the church community, and to the needy. That's more instruction than I could ever learn from words...she is LIVING it.

Everyone needs a mentor. There is always someone slightly ahead of you in your journey that could teach you volumes about life. We all need someone who can coach us through the tough stuff, who we can call to bounce ideas off of, and who will encourage us to be the best us possible. And on the flip side, we are all slightly ahead of someone in life. There's someone who is in a place you have come from who could use the advice you wish you had gotten when you were there. And the beauty of being a mentor or a mentee is that age is just a number. You have something to glean from people younger than you, and you have something to give people older than you.

The beauty about what I have with my friend is that she was my friend first. She and I started serving in similar areas in church, and I got to know her that way. Over the years, we have grown closer, and God has birthed something beautiful from our friendship: she is now my mentor. She didn't scan the church crowd, pick me out, and think to herself, "That's the girl I'll take under my wing." At least, not right away. Her being my mentor happened organically, once a friendship was established. I am not her project- I am her friend. And that's one of the best ways these things begin. I know how much she cares for me...and because of that, I am her captive audience.

When prayerfully choosing a mentor, look for someone who emulates a place you want to be someday. Someone who is not perfect, but beautifully imperfect. Someone who loves like Jesus, and like a diamond, admits her flaws, but shines her God given inner beauty. And most likely, you already are someone's mentor, even if you don't realize it. Ask God to make you the best mentor possible. You have something to offer that someone needs. Desperately. Hold the gift you have to offer towards Heaven, and ask God to multiply it and use it for His glory.

So where does your "ME" fit into "MEntor"? Do you have one? Are you open to being one? Because either way, though you have much to give, you also have much to receive.


PS- Leave me a comment! What has one of your mentors taught you? What have you shared with someone else? :)


  1. I've been blessed to have a handful of women like the one you described! I'm so grateful for those who have poured into me and helped me to grow! One of those very special women just so happens to be you! Thanks for sharing your heart with the world, sweet friend!

    1. Oh Jill... I love YOU. Thanks for all the ways you love me, and encourage and teach me! <3


Be sure to leave me a comment so I know you stopped by!